Instructions  for Printing Poosters

(read carefully)

A pdf is the type of digital file generally required by printers, although a jpeg will sometimes be preferred and is the best for internet use.

Because we are not mailing out the actual poster product with attendant quality control, and because printers are so very different, you will want to be there to see the first Pooster and make certain it’s OK.

Sometimes the colors can come out muddy. Sometimes they can come out a bit too dark and may have to be set on as much as 15% lighter.

Inform the printer that you don’t want a “bleed” to the edge. There is already a 3/16" white border, and it just needs to be centered, or have the software border option set on “FIT.”

For paper, and we recommend 11" x 17" shiny card stock (or 80 lb). Then laminating for outdoor use.

We are consistently getting the best color with a Zerox 242 printer, set at 15% lighter. Call around and see if you can find a print shop that has one. (This is not an official endorsement of Zerox.)

Please do keep us in the loop, by letting us know where you end up posting Poosters, and how it goes. 


Here’s to pristine-looking wild places,

Kathleen Meyer & Kristine Route

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